As Year 8 prepare for their forthcoming Common Entrance Examinations they have produced some wonderful descriptive writing pieces...
Descriptions of an Imaginary place.
When my parents are shouting from the echoing hall, I stare into the distance and slowly emerging from the corner of my eyes, are the darkest brown tree trunks, they have bark with marks like a 3D map, circling the tree like a hernia around an organ.
As the vision fills my head, I see in the middle, the most spectacular flower. It has a yellow centre like the shining sun, which fades into an incredible hot pink. When I turn around a majestic castle fills my view in front of me. Vines are slowly creeping up inch by inch enhancing the pink roofs and delicate paintings all over.
With one touch of a pure, scarlet-red rose with a soft silk-like feeling, my body relaxes. I can hear soft chirping surrounding me. I feel so calm. Fern trees create an aesthetic lighting pattern which reflects off the metallic shimmering wings of a butterfly as large as my fist.
When I take a step, my bare feet feel the sensation of pappy pillows underneath me. My eyes shimmer and widen, while my mouth gawps. Flitting about in front of me, i see an extremely graceful, tiny fairy. Her hair is hanging loose. It is blond, like the sun, with amethyst highlights shimmering throughout.
I have wandered around exploring but now dusk has arrived. The sky is asking for a self-portrait because it is so stunning. The sky is filed with luminescent blues and pinks like a glow in the dark painting palette. The plants flourish in this lighting and let their dazzling colours into the atmosphere.
I hear a shy, dainty voice coming from the bush with impressive, blue mermaid-like features. As I walk towards it my eyes widen when I realise my Mum is now in my room. I can’t stand her greying hair and eagle-like eyes watching my every move. I have to go back to ignoring her. I wish to stay in this world forever. But I can’t.
Tilda, Year 8
Tall mountainous trees towered over the land, twisting and turning, their trunks creased with wisdom and age, each mark and grave a symbol of destruction. A particular tree stood out, it looked like a deformed hand, its branches sprouting, like a blossoming flower, bursting with hope. Lush green leaves blanketed the branches, like a thick sea of sage and swamp, swirling together, it was as if Van Goph had hand painted each stroke perfectly. Roots of the trees were embedded in the soil like sprawled out fingers digging their nails into the earth, clutching the soil, as if someone was dragging them away. Each root overlapping one other, intertwining like a pair of soulmates, refusing to let go of each other.
Dragon-like creatures swooped down low, their wings beating against their sides, each smack of their wings in time with their heart beat. Every creature, an entirely different array of hues, each one a vibrant, bold colour which stung your eyes. A neon topaz one darted from the sky, its inky talons out, which outstretched smoothly, clutching an animal hard as it majestically flew back up. A shimmery gold wrapped around the coat of this creature, like wrapping paper, looping and twisting in graceful curves, almost as if they were the notes to a forgotten song. The gold dazzled in the sun, its skin shattering in the sunlight, making it seem as if a million shards of chrysoberyl had shattered, scattering in all directions, like a spilt glass of melted citrine.
Smaller animals lived below the canopy of the trees, always alert and on edge, aware of their surroundings at all given times. Something slinked in the shadows, moving so elegantly it was like water. Its pair of four legs moved together in harmony, synchronised accurately. Its muscles rippling in a uniform motion. As it revealed itself from the dark veil of the shadows it had been enshrouding in, concealing itself from the world. Shafts of beaming sun hit the eyes of this animal, illuminating its eye. A dark crimson shade fringed the pupil like a sheet of deep blood. Indigo leopard prints embraced the creature's legs, each spot a slightly different shade. The animal's face could on be described as something similar to a tiger, its pearly fangs hanging out menacingly like a warning to all.
A colossal planet, the colour of a flushed pink, with hints of a royal purple weaved in, like the thread to a scarf, was moving ever so slowly, blocking the sun from view, shielding its blinding glimmers. Light streamed through like a cascading waterfall, trying to force a crack open in the tiny slit it had left. The battle was over, the planet had swallowed all remaining light, enveloping the sun from sight. A stygian darkness breathed through the trees, filtering like a pool of water. Darkness seeped through the greenery, devouring everything whole.
All that was left now was a bioluminescent forest, thriving and teaming with life. Plants emitted a luminous glow, sparkling like stars winking in the jet black night. Each leaf, radiating like a light bulb casting a soft shine over its neighbouring areas. Every step you took the ground would explode with light, like lava rupturing out of a volcano. Verdant was absolutely everywhere, the whole scene was like a watercolour coming to life. Tiny blushing flies, wavered drunkenly in the air, a magenta hue glistened around them like an aura, while a sliver trickling stream slithered through the rocks like a snake. Massive palm like tree leaves, drooped their heads down in shame, as the emerald, luminous coat was painted around their edges.
The forest which had never been touched by humanity, was suddenly scorched and engulfed by monstrous, furious flames deluging everything in a tight chokehold, sparks of violent ember exploded from the fire. Trees now smouldered, with a thick black soot, layering them. Animals fled, not understanding what this thing was, that was burning and injuring their children, and made their throats dry, scratchy, in pain and had them gasping for air. All the bioluminescence of the forest was burnt down to a crisp, the only light now was the yellow haze of the fire. Large metal spaceships touched onto the ground, making the earth shake around them. A figure emerged from this ship, its feet crunching every step it took. As it scanned this barren land, with charcoal trees, with only skinny branches like twigs, it was as if all the life had been sucked away.
There was no forest now, just funnelling smoke and weeping creatures.
The human smiled.
Grace, Year 8